- EPISODE 1What is CSS?What is CSS and what do we use it for?
- EPISODE 2Three ways to write CSSThe three different ways to write and practice CSS
- EPISODE 3CSS Selectors in 1 MinuteBasic CSS selectors like ELEMENT, CLASS, and ID
- EPISODE 4ColorsHow do Colors work in CSS?
- EPISODE 5Colors (DEMO)Live Coding: CSS Colors
- EPISODE 6Absolute SizesWhat is Absolute sizing in CSS and when to use it?
- EPISODE 7Relative SizesWhat are relative sizes in CSS and when are they used?
- EPISODE 8EM & REMThe two most commonly used relative sizing metrics in CSS
- EPISODE 9Sizing (DEMO)Live Coding: CSS Sizing
- EPISODE 10CSS Box ModelThe most important foundation of every HTML element: Box Model
- EPISODE 11Box Model (DEMO)Live Coding: Box Model
- EPISODE 12FontsHow to use system and custom Fonts in CSS
- EPISODE 13Fonts (DEMO)Live Coding: CSS Fonts