- EPISODE 1JavaScript Prototypal InheritanceHow inheritance works in JavaScript
- EPISODE 2JavaScript PrototypesWhat is a Prototype and how is it different from __proto__?
- EPISODE 3Factory FunctionsWhat are Factory Functions in JavaScript
- EPISODE 4Constructor FunctionsWhat are Constructor Functions in JavaScript and why?
- EPISODE 5Factory Function vs. ConstructorWhat is the difference between Factories and Constructors in JavaScript?
- EPISODE 6JavaScript THIS keywordThe original f*cking a**hole of JavaScript: The THIS keyword!
- EPISODE 7Arrow FunctionsAn in-depth look into JavaScript Arrow Functions
- EPISODE 8Higher Order FunctionsWhat are Higher Order Functions and why are they useful?
- EPISODE 9ClosuresWhat are Closures in JavaScript and why they are so incredibly powerful
- EPISODE 10Value vs. referenceWhat do you mean when we say copy by Value vs. copy by Reference?
- EPISODE 11Async JavaScriptSynchronous vs. Asynchronous in JavaScript
- EPISODE 12JavaScript PromisesWhat are Promises and how do they work in JavaScript?
- EPISODE 13Async AwaitWhat is Async/Await and how do we use them with Promises?
- EPISODE 14Fetch APIJavaScript Fetch API, how to use in with Promises, how it is different from XHR?
- EPISODE 15DOM APIJavaScript DOM API, one of the most underrated but fundamentally important Web APIs.
- EPISODE 16JavaScript Pure FunctionsTwo major rules that make any function pure, benefits of pure function, as well as why some functions can't be pure.
- EPISODE 177 Benefits of First-Class FunctionsFunctions in JavaScript are First-Class. But what does that mean? Plus, their 7 benefits.
- EPISODE 18JavaScript Event LoopWhat is the JavaScript Event Loop? How the Event Loop manages tasks, microtasks, and the call stack.